True North Mortgage

The Challenge

True North Mortgage wanted to streamline their website so that it became friendly, approachable and impactful, while communicating a lot of information to multiple audience groups in two languages.

The Solution

Using Craft 3 we implemented an updated User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) flow. We presented the user with clean design and a multisite approach that toggles between English and French sites. Content is also displayed in their physical locations using screens powered by the site, providing the latest mortgage rate information. Data is customized by province so that only relevant information is displayed and customers are aided in finding the most suitable agent and broker through a filtering system where staff and mobile brokers are categorized by location and languages spoken.

Key Results

For a site with complex requirements and a lot of information, what you see when you visit the site is strikingly clean, simple and uncluttered. Our process distilled the solutions into a user experience that looks and feels effortless.

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